

One of the things that please Satan the most is when we Christians begin to raise questions or doubts concerning our belief in God. Satan employs this gimmick with the hope that we do not find our way back into believing the promises of God for our lives.

Doubts are almost inevitable in our Christian journey; in fact, they are part of our journey as believers. They are the ploys Satan uses to break the link between us and God. Because doubts make us stop trusting and begin to live in perpetual fear and uncertainty.

There are times when all that you seem to have been taught and believed even as a child right from Sunday school might begin to make no sense at all. The faith and convictions you were once very sure of and gladly professed might begin to lose its sweet savour - that's doubt setting in.

Some of the reasons why doubts arise in our Christain journey could be because we're going through some really tough times or as a result delayed answers to prayers. The devil begins to give us reasons why we should question our faith in Christ.

So you are tempted to questions why God would allow all these forms of injustice to happen to us despite our service to him. Satan rejoices when we have questions and doubts about God, so he tries to influence our thoughts negatively as believers.

The good news is that, the fact that Satan tries to influence our thoughts negatively as believers are proof that truly, God has something glorious in stock for us.

So what do you do when you're in doubt?

If you realize you're facing doubts in your life as a Christian and desire to reconnect back to God, then try these few tips as you also ask the holy spirit to guide you.

  • Diligently seek him through his word

As the bible rightly said in Romans 10:17 "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." One of the ways to deal with doubts, fear and unbelief is by consistently reading and meditating on God's word.

It is not wrong to have questions, it is when we give up and settle for our doubts that unbelief sets in. Sometimes our questions and doubts are God's way of proving his supremacy over our lives because no matter how we try, His ways are greater and wiser than our ways.

Rather than feeling guilty or condemned, believe that your questions are bringing you closer to the realities of God for your life and not chasing you away. Diligently seek Him in the scriptures.

The Bible reassures us of God's promises over our lives, it is the undiluted word of God, and it tells clearly who God is and what his plans and promises for us are. As you study God's word and seek him diligently, your faith will be reawakened.

  • Understand that you are not alone

Though it might seem like you're the only one going through the tough and turbulent time, the truth is you're not alone. First, God's presence is with you, secondly, you should understand that it's a part of your journey as a believer.

Emphatically, these moments when you experience doubts, confusion and dryness are a sign that God is still at work and is willing to do something miraculous in your life. Once you're able to overcome, your faith will be refined.

Now you can also take a cue from the lives of other fellow Christians who might have gone through the same experiences, share your questions with them and learn from their stories.

  • Spend time praying fervently

Prayer is the way we believers commune with God our maker. It is not just a ritual or religious obligation. During this season of doubts, prayer might seem to be one of the toughest things to do, but you'll have to pray nonetheless.

The more time we spend in the place of prayer, the better our relationship with our maker. No good relationship ever exist without good communication. When we pray and pour out our hearts to him, he in turn speaks to us through the holy spirit. Thus, our faith in him grows and our doubts and fears begin to diminish.

Pray with all honesty expressing your doubts, tell him about your fears and ask him to show a sign and convince you once again. If you pray sincerely desiring genuine fellowship, God will not hesitate to answer and come to your rescue.

  • Trust your Anchor

How we respond during tough circumstances tells a lot about us. And because doubt is Satan's strategy of grabbing your attention from God's faithfulness and promises, rather than worry or panic, when in doubts and turbulence, trust Jesus to lead you through.

You might not fully understand exactly what's going on in your life or what the outcomes might be, all you need do is to trust Jesus and worry less, because he is the author and finisher of our faith. Relying on God to take the lead is a sign that you haven't given up on Him and since He is faithful and just, he will prove himself worthy.

If you're going through doubts and unbelief right now you don't have to feel discouraged. It is like going through the fire, It's only a phase, you'll come out well-refined. Remember, Satan rejoices when we have questions and doubts about God, and his plan is that like a wandering sheep we do not find our path back again. But God is the loving shepherd that is always willing and ever ready to go after his sheep. As you diligently seek God, He is also waiting for you with His arms wide open to receive you.